Graduation season

Before I knew it, it was March after the beginning of spring.
Normally, many graduation ceremonies are held at this time of year, and it is almost full of congratulations for a new start.
Again, the new coronavirus seems to cast a dark shadow.

At the request of the government that “the graduation ceremony should be on the minimum scale”, the number of attendees of parents and current students should be limited, recording tapes should be played without singing school songs, or diploma awarding ceremony. However, the news reports that school officials are struggling with how to prevent infection, such as by doing it individually in each classroom instead of gathering at a large venue.

Now, we really need to make efforts to control the spread of infection.
I hope I can calmly look back, saying, “There was a time like that.”

Congratulations to all the graduates.

By Admin|2022-03-03|2022,News Release|

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