The fastest rainy season in history, the arrival of extreme heat

On June 27th, the beginning of the rainy season was announced in the Kanto region.
This year, the rainy season ended 22 days earlier than normal, marking the beginning of the rainy season at an unusually early pace.
Speaking of unusually fast, 2018 is still fresh in my memory, but the heat that I feel is already dangerous for me continues.
Exceeding 30°C is already commonplace, and in some places the temperature has reached close to 40°C.
As a result, the supply and demand of electricity continues to tighten on a daily basis.

On June 29th, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and four other major electric power companies announced that they would raise their electricity rates for August.
This is due to the soaring fuel price, but it seems that it is about 30% more than a year ago.
As the burden on households increases year by year, I think that we will be more conscious of “saving electricity” than ever,
I would like you to stop saving electricity unreasonably such as putting up with air conditioning, and put your life first.

When you walk around the city, you are taking various measures against the heat, such as cool towels and handy fans.
Every year the number of devising heatstroke countermeasure goods is increasing, but recently “ice ring” that cools the neck
(Cooling goods for the neck that have become ring-shaped) are selling like hotcakes.
By all means, I would like to incorporate these goods and get through the long summer.

By Admin|2022-07-01|2022,News Release|

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