Is it a lie that vitamin C prevents colds?

During this season of colds and flu, some people may turn to vitamin C as a preventive measure. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and is undoubtedly essential to a healthy diet, but its benefits have been overemphasized to the point that many people overdose on it. While this usually does not cause any danger, it can be a waste of time and money. The often misunderstood “vitamin C” What benefits does it provide?

It was in the 1970s that vitamin C was widely touted as a panacea. In his book “Vitamin C, Colds, and the Flu,” two-time Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus Pauling recommended a megavitamin regimen in which 3,000 milligrams of vitamin C per day would prevent the common cold and cure everything from bone fractures to rabies and mental illnesses. Pauling was a great believer in the megavitamin therapy.

Although Pauling was merely expressing his personal experience and opinion, with no scientific backing for his claims, his book became a bestseller in the United States. As a result, the misconception became widespread that taking large amounts of vitamin C would keep serious diseases such as heart disease and cancer away and help people live longer, healthier lives, and that taking large amounts of vitamins through supplements was good for one’s health. So, does taking a lot of vitamin C have any effect on the common cold? And what role does vitamin C play in the first place? As we will explain next, a growing body of evidence now reveals much about the health benefits of vitamin C.

Taking large amounts does not prevent colds.

The first premise is that, according to an October 2020 academic paper, most studies have shown that drinking a lot of orangejuice and vitamin C supplements,most studies have shown that drinking large amounts of orange juice or vitamin C supplements has no significant effect on the common cold. In fact, consuming many times the recommended daily amount does not improve the health of the majority of people.

The reason is that even if you consume more than 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C is ingested, the body cannot effectively absorb it and it is excreted in the urine.

The reason is that the body cannot effectively absorb more than 1000 milligrams of vitamin C and it is excreted in the urine.

Except for those who are deficient in vitamin C or those who exercise excessively, vitamin C intake is not necessary for the majority of people.

or extremely active people, large doses of vitamin C can prevent or prevent ordinary colds.

It is said that even if you take large amounts of vitamin C, it has no effect on preventing or alleviating the symptoms of common colds.

It is said that large doses of vitamin C have no effect on preventing or alleviating the symptoms of ordinary colds.

Vitamin C is essential for your overstressed is a must!

Did you know that stress reduces the amount of vitamin C in the body? Vitamin C is known to help prevent stress-related psychological symptoms such as depression and anxiety. You can take supplements or take in food to replace the depleted vitamin C content.

In today’s stressful society In today’s so-called “stress society”, it is important to help your body recover the body to recover.

The body needs to be replenished the body to recover.

The body needs to be supplied with the necessary amount to restore itself.

Vitamin C intake speeds up aging

So how much vitamin C should be consumed on a daily basis? According to the Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (2020 edition) of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the recommended dietary intake of vitamin C for adults (15 years and older) is 100 milligrams. Although a few dozen milligrams of vitamin C daily is sufficient to prevent scurvy, the recommended amount is set higher in anticipation of its cardiovascular disease-preventing and antioxidant effects. In humans, the intake of vitamin C, which speeds up the aging process, is 2.5 milligrams per day. In other words, if a person continues to consume only 2.5 milligrams daily for a long period of time, the person will begin to die after about 3 years, and half of the people may die after about 13 years.

In modern Japan, however, it is unlikely that most people consume only a very small amount of vitamin C over a long period of time. However, it is still important to consume a good amount of vitamin C every day, because vitamin C is also excreted through urine. It is difficult to obtain 100 milligrams of vitamin C from the diet every day. It is a good idea to wisely supplement what you lack in dietary intake with supplements or vitamin C-containing beverages.

Vitamin C is a nutrient that cannot be synthesized by the body, so it must be obtained through diet or supplements.

Because it dissolves easily in water and is heat sensitive, when cooking foods high in vitamin C, it is important to avoid exposing them to water and overcooking them. Vitamin C is rapidly eliminated from the body, so be sure to incorporate it frequently in your daily diet!

By Admin|2023-11-30|News Release,|

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