June 5th is Environment Day

Today June 5th is Environment Day.
In our home town of Tokyo, our policy is to “revive the beautiful city of Tokyo, which is surrounded by water and green corridors.”
In global warming, which is currently a global problem, the role of green in absorbing greenhouse gases is becoming more and more important.
At our hometown Tokyo, we are conducting a “green Tokyo donation”, and although it is a small effort today, we cooperated as a corporation and an individual.
In the greening project that uses donations, we have selected “Lawning the school playground”.
We want the children who will be responsible for the future to know the importance of green more closely, and we want them to play dynamically with Nobinobi in the school playground where they will not hurt even if they fall.
I feel that it is most important to continue such environmental problems, even if they are weak, rather than transient ones.
June 5th is Environment Day.
I would like to do my best so that I can continue to cooperate every year.

Green Tokyo Fundraising HP: http://www.midorinotokyo-bokin.jp/index.html

By Admin|2015-06-05|2015,News Release|

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